nationwide sports & EDUCATION FOUNDATION
The following is a summary of the new D1 academic requirements for full qualifier that will take effect for class of 2016:
- Min. GPA Increased from 2.0 to 2.3
- NCAA does not take into account +/- grades. B- OR B+ is a B or 3 points.
- 10 of the 16 required core courses must be completed before start of senior year. This means you cannot wait until senior year to get 10 required core courses completed.
- 7 of 10 required core courses must be in English, Math, and Science. Others may be social science, philosophy, or foreign language.
- Grades earned in the 10 core courses are LOCKED IN for the purpose of calculating the final core course GPA.
- Any retakes of the 10 core courses must be completed BEFORE senior year. That means you cant wait until senior year to get with the program!
The NCAA has also introduced a new SAT/ACT sliding scale. There are significant changes in minimum test score requirements. The minimum SAT score required to complete as a freshman has increased by 180 points and minimum ACT has increased by 14 points.
- Prior to 2016: 2.0 GPA core course + 1010 SAT OR 86 ACT = Full Qualifier
- 2016 and after: 2.475 GPA core course+ 1010 SAT or 86 ACT= Full Qualifier
- Prior to 2016: 2.50 GPA core course+ 820 SAT OR 68 ACT = Full Qualifier
- 2016 and after: 2.50 GPA core course+ 1000 SAT or 85 ACT =Full Qualifier